“I am of a different mind ten times in the course of a day. But I resist the devil, and often it is with a fart that I chase him away. When he tempts me with silly sins I say, 'Devil, yesterday I broke wind too. Have you written it down on your list?'" -Martin Luther
“If you are a preacher of the Gospel, do not preach as though you could gain all men for Christ, for not all heed the Gospel (cf. Rom. 10:16); but if you convert three or four souls and lead them to Christ, like the tips of burning brands (cf. Amos 4:11), give thanks. For one should not quit simply because so few are changed for the better to hear the preaching of the Gospel. But do what Christ did: He rescued the elect and left the rest behind. This is what the apostles did also. It will not be better for you. You are foolish if you either presume that you alone can accomplish everything or despair of everything when it does not go your way.” - Martin Luther (AE 15:124)
The one about him seeing the devil from bed and saying "oh, it's just you", then farting and rolling over (or something similar). Also, anything from the Luther Insult Generator https://ergofabulous.org/luther/?
Hi! I’m pretty new. Lutheran (LCMS) for 3 years. Christian since 1968! Love the Lutheran doctrine. Reading Psalms today & wondered when David or others wrote in them what/where are the testimonies, ordinances, statutes, precepts, law, and commandments being that David and other authors refer to? I ask as I believe that they only had (or maybe not) the Torah (first 5 books)? I know the Ten Commandments are there & are part of the 613 laws. Do they encompass the answer to my original question? Thank you and I’m loving your driving to church YouTube videos! Hope to join the zoom study next week! God Bless You and all you are doing in outreach to those who need Jesus as Savior!!!
"Peace if possible; truth at all costs." Is something I live by.
"When I look at myself, I do not know how I could be saved, but when I look at Christ I do not know how I could be lost." attributed to Luther but I can't find a source.
"Where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel." is another great one,
but "Enthusiasm is the root of all heresy." is probably the one I quote the most
Luther stated that if he knew he would die tommorrow, he would plant a tree today. It accoponpanies a print of Luther planting a tree with the phrase in German, on my wall.
“I am of a different mind ten times in the course of a day. But I resist the devil, and often it is with a fart that I chase him away. When he tempts me with silly sins I say, 'Devil, yesterday I broke wind too. Have you written it down on your list?'" -Martin Luther
“If you are a preacher of the Gospel, do not preach as though you could gain all men for Christ, for not all heed the Gospel (cf. Rom. 10:16); but if you convert three or four souls and lead them to Christ, like the tips of burning brands (cf. Amos 4:11), give thanks. For one should not quit simply because so few are changed for the better to hear the preaching of the Gospel. But do what Christ did: He rescued the elect and left the rest behind. This is what the apostles did also. It will not be better for you. You are foolish if you either presume that you alone can accomplish everything or despair of everything when it does not go your way.” - Martin Luther (AE 15:124)
“ I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that I still possess.“
The one about him seeing the devil from bed and saying "oh, it's just you", then farting and rolling over (or something similar). Also, anything from the Luther Insult Generator https://ergofabulous.org/luther/?
Hi! I’m pretty new. Lutheran (LCMS) for 3 years. Christian since 1968! Love the Lutheran doctrine. Reading Psalms today & wondered when David or others wrote in them what/where are the testimonies, ordinances, statutes, precepts, law, and commandments being that David and other authors refer to? I ask as I believe that they only had (or maybe not) the Torah (first 5 books)? I know the Ten Commandments are there & are part of the 613 laws. Do they encompass the answer to my original question? Thank you and I’m loving your driving to church YouTube videos! Hope to join the zoom study next week! God Bless You and all you are doing in outreach to those who need Jesus as Savior!!!
"Peace if possible; truth at all costs." Is something I live by.
"When I look at myself, I do not know how I could be saved, but when I look at Christ I do not know how I could be lost." attributed to Luther but I can't find a source.
"Where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel." is another great one,
but "Enthusiasm is the root of all heresy." is probably the one I quote the most
Luther stated that if he knew he would die tommorrow, he would plant a tree today. It accoponpanies a print of Luther planting a tree with the phrase in German, on my wall.
Hubert Dellinger