I'm going to be meditating on the fact that Jesus no longer needs to be touched by evil anymore. All that suffering, all that pain and endurance is now 'finished'. He sits on the throne and I am no longer causing Him any pain. He has cleansed me from sin and promises forgiveness whenever I return to Him. And, as daunting as the majesty of His return will be, I love how nonchalant the angels are when they are just like, 'He will come in the same way you saw Him go into heaven' (Acts 1:11). This is a true comfort in light of the very complicated picture John's Revelation gives us. In Acts Jesus left the earth almost mid-conversation. The conversation will simply continue into eternal life with our Lord and Savior, as He returns just as He left. For those who believe, it will be like He never left but we will see Him, and what glory there will be. What perfection. What grace, thanks be to God!

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This post is loaded with comfort to me. I've read it several times. "He sits on the throne and I am no longer causing Him any pain." "His conversation will continue into eternal life."

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Without the Ascension, we don't have a high priest interceding for us. Without the Ascension, Christ is not at the right hand of the Father. Without the Ascension, Christ has not been fully glorified.

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Without the Ascension, Holy Spirit, our great comforter cannot come.

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When discussing current world issues with family and friends it is wonderful to ring out ‘Christ is King!’ at the finale. Knowing that the work of salvation is finished, that God reigns triumphant, that He controls all the events, prelates, posturers, politicians, life events, life and death gives great comfort. His ascension must have been the most glorious and triumphant event where Jesus was lauded by the heavenly host who shouted Alleluia and threw their crowns at His feet. One can only say ‘Amen, come Lord Jesus’.

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Christ's ascension confirms the hope and the eventual reality of my own resurrection to eat at His table in the New Creation with Him eternally. This is my comfort and my great expectation - that I will join Him and all His saints and He will be my King forever. I am my Beloved's and He is mine. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

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I love knowing that Christ is reigning on the throne as King of kings and Lord of lords! I envision a glorious coronation after He ascends to heaven, as if all heaven is waiting for His return to lead Him through the gates to the center of the heavenly City to the throne. The Father then crowns Him with all authority, power, dominion, and might to rule the nations eternally. And all of heaven shouts and sings praises to the Lamb who is now seated on the throne. Gosh, I wish they'd make a movie over such an epic story! Happy Ascension Day!!

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Before God lead me to become a Lutheran my family would drive past my now church all the time, as it was on the way to the mall; and in front of my church is a large statue of what appears to be the Ascension and people gathered around under Christ. When I first attended church there the statue was broken and the part with Christ was gone. I was disappointed but even more than that was I thrilled when I received my first Holy Communion, Christ Truly Present. The statue of Christ was not there, but Christ was and is; just as He promised. He is with us always. (Matthew 28:20)

“Christ our God to earth descending comes our homage to demand” (LSB 621

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I imagine the never-ending day-reality that will be revealed when the Universe is rolled-up and burnt, and down comes the King of Kings, Christ Jesus, out if its everlasting and glorious vastness to dwell with mankind and behind Him unending riches, and blessings, and glories for us to enjoy.

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The comfort and courage Ascension brings to me is that the presence of Jesus is unlimited and, as he reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords from His throne in heaven, He is also present with me and with you always! He will never leave me or forsake me. He is present at His altar, in homes, at bedsides, in churches, throughout the world. If not for His ascension, how could this be?! And, He is coming soon to bring us all home. God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of the trumpet ... Come, Lord Jesus!

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Maybe a habit of naming holidays as Holy Days would elevate their rightful place and lower the opposite thought of a time for play.

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To me, there is great comfort and reassurance in the Ascension as attested to in the Nicene Creed "...He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father...." Christ's ascension into heaven gives me not only reassurance but courage against giving into sin as I know he sits in the defense attorney position (at the right hand of the Father) to clothe us in his righteousness and advocate us to the Father.

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The Ascension helps me look beyond this mortal life - knowing that my Lord who paid all my debt is the other side of death where I too shall be some day soon. Having watched a number of friends and family pass through the portal, I find tremendous comfort knowing that Christ suffered, died, rose, and ascended to sit at God's right hand - assuring me that all who believe will also be with Jesus after death.

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Ascension Day is glorious! The scholars have weighed in. The Christology is correct. The theology checks out. However, it makes no rational sense. I’m often caught with the thought, “Wait, what?” “For ME?” Sin and suffering try to shadow truth. The gift of faith fills the shadowy void as I read the words, “It is finished”. Comfort overcomes. Hope emerges as God of the text has spoken. It is therefore true! My theology books sit silently on the shelf as I’ve encountered the voice of the living God. It is so very true. Praise be to God. 😁😁

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I picture Ascension Day as the locks on my car. As the car moves forward the locks go down to keep me safe. Upon my death as my soul rises to heaven it is locked safely in the comfort and hope that Ascension Day brought to me in that because Christ ascended into heaven I too will ascend into heaven safely.

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We have one like us, speaking for us, waiting for us to join him.

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Accompanying tonight’s profound Ascension Day service had me up on the organ in the choir loft. Oh, the voices lifted in song! And Pastor preached on the gifts Christ gives to each of us as He leads captives in His train. Complete surprise and joy came when both pastors brought the Lord’s Body and Blood upstairs to me. But that’s exactly the point! Christ’s entire Self! To me!

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