Daily I never miss The Word of the Lord Endures Forever with Pastor Weedon Podcast for Studying books of the Bible and the Around the World Weekly devotional. Also, bias to Pastor website to find resources and previous articles, studies and videos. I have found that Pastor Fisk Sunday sermons on his Utube channel going through chapters of the Bible very helpful - Podcasts from Issues Etc., The Gottesdienst Crowd. I use the free version of Logos Bible. I also find it interesting to review the answers to ssome of my questions on studies at gotquestions.org - Often gives insight into Protestant nondenominational views and often compares denomination’s viewpoints

In the past I used the Bible App but the devotions/studies are mostly prosperity messages.

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One of my favorite Bible studies are from Pastor Wolfmueller and his books. Those historical books. I also found it a blessing to travel to Spain with Pastor and his family and other Christians.

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Logos when I can figure the functionality out.

The most used is the YouVersion Bible app, usually for quick comparison of different translations of a passage.

A couple of Facebook groups devoted to Lutheran theology and/or discussions.

Ps Wolfmueller's and Dr. Jordan Cooper's YouTube channels. Sometimes Chris Rosebrough's Fighting for the Faith.

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Kretzmann's Commentaries and A Summary of Christian Doctrine by Edward W.A. Koehler. Perfect for someone not fluent in Greek, Hebrew, German, & Latin. 👍🏻

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bibleref.com (and the android app) specifically for Proverbs chapter 1-18 the context and commentary are simple to understand. A disclaimer - it's not complete and probably not LCMS law & gospel centric enough for many but finding it has been a g-d send for sure! A Son's of Solomon inspired discovery.

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I like to use MySword for Android and PocketSword for IOS. You can access a variety of Bible versions, as well as the StudyLight resources (including Kretzmann). Olive Tree Bible App is good, available on Apple and Android.

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through the word bible app

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Kretzmann; especially for the Psalms. http://www.kretzmannproject.org/home.htm

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I use archive.org which has all kinds of great theological works from past centuries starting from the church fathers. There are works by many men faithfull to the orthodox, catholic, apostolic faith.

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The Bible itself but supplemented with Biblical Archaeology Review magazine, the Archaeology Study Bible, the Hebrew-Greek Study Bible, Strong's Concordance and Vines Bible Dictionary, Paul Maier's "In the Fullness of Time" - just to name a few - and other similar resources.

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The Bible Hub parallel Bible feature gives a quick comparison of 27+ translations/versions of the Bible. Example: https://biblehub.com/philippians/3-13.htm

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Funnily enough, probably because it's easy to remember, biblegateway.com is still my go to place for a quick reference if I'm doing a word study (That is to say, it points me to other biblical references so that scripture can interpret scripture). Otherwise, Lutheran Study Bible (Which is good for siting scriptural parallels), and, if Luther has done a commentary on it, His 'Works' (Which is well ordered and numbered too). If I'm looking for anything further, I trust Concordia Publishing House to have something good. It's worth searching their site; CPH.org

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