I think this is helpful because it puts the emphasis on the practical application of humility. But then it's also possible to become prideful of my own acts of service, which is why I think Jesus says to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing (Matthew 6:3). A good friend once gave me a piece of advice to check my motives when doing something, if there is any part of me that is seeking recognition for myself, even privately, then that's a warning sign that my motivation may not be entirely honest. This is not to say there's anything wrong from good feeling or taking joy from doing good, but it's the relationship to the self that's the main point.
Considering your question I go back to our worship service ie Kyrie, Mark 10:47(10:46-52). Bartimaeus exemplifies humility displaces pride thus gives me clarity.
Maybe I'm an outlier, but I don't usually compare myself to others. I compare myself to the standards God sets for us--which we know are impossible to meet and that in itself generates humility. When someone praises me for something good I've done, I have trained myself (and believe it) to say soli Deo Gloria.
Hey Pastor, thank you so much. That was just for me, right? I have never seen it so clearly... That is really helpful and it is EXACTLY what happens to me.... felt really caught :-( But that is good... God be praised! And thanks for your service. With love from Germany.
It was very helpful to me when I was dealing with some of my difficulties... to work toward humility. I had a tendency to think that I was better than the people who bothered me, but when I remembered that we are all poor, miserable sinners, then it seemed to be easier not to compare myself to others, and not to put myself above them. It can be easier to have humility when I remember that we ALL fall short, so I'm no better than anyone else.
Hi Pastor….I have an unrelated question. Is the Luther Classical College still a viable project and is the magazine they were beginning to produce still available? Thanks, Deacon Terry Bower
I know, see and feel that I am a sinner. When compared to others, I feel embarrassed at my failings. I constantly fall short of God’s mark. I am a dog, a beggar at Jesus’s feet.
I do not deserve anything, but I rejoice in the patients, understanding, forgiveness and love that God has for me. I am humbled….
I am a servant that will never achieve the purity that God requires. But God made me and He will never forsake me. I am humbled….
Humility is knowing you fall short, but does not make you feel despair when living in Christ. Serve others according to God’s will. Be humble while doing it.
Nice one! I have found CS Lewis' quip about "humility as not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less" really helpful. And if you are thinking of the other and how to serve him, it seems to me that you would be thinking of yourself less!
Yes. You have described my troubles in confession, where I end up stating that I am simply a mess. And I want to do good works but even to begin a work with such recognition negates the work! So I try not to look at my motives as much as is this something that is helpful to someone? It’s a constant battle to simply place my focus on the other without constantly viewing and evaluating myself. I really hate this. Lord have mercy!
I think this is helpful because it puts the emphasis on the practical application of humility. But then it's also possible to become prideful of my own acts of service, which is why I think Jesus says to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing (Matthew 6:3). A good friend once gave me a piece of advice to check my motives when doing something, if there is any part of me that is seeking recognition for myself, even privately, then that's a warning sign that my motivation may not be entirely honest. This is not to say there's anything wrong from good feeling or taking joy from doing good, but it's the relationship to the self that's the main point.
Philippians 2:3~4
Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in low lines of mind let each esteem others better than yourself.
Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others……..
Well said. Perhaps humility may be described as thinking about others, while pride is introspective? Curved in on oneself, indeed.
Ok, this is wisdom. Thank you, Pastor.
Considering your question I go back to our worship service ie Kyrie, Mark 10:47(10:46-52). Bartimaeus exemplifies humility displaces pride thus gives me clarity.
Have mercy on me Jesus my Lord and Saviour.
Maybe I'm an outlier, but I don't usually compare myself to others. I compare myself to the standards God sets for us--which we know are impossible to meet and that in itself generates humility. When someone praises me for something good I've done, I have trained myself (and believe it) to say soli Deo Gloria.
Thank you, pastor Wonderwulf, this was very helpful. God bless you.
Hey Pastor, thank you so much. That was just for me, right? I have never seen it so clearly... That is really helpful and it is EXACTLY what happens to me.... felt really caught :-( But that is good... God be praised! And thanks for your service. With love from Germany.
This was very helpful. It explains the conflict between pride and humility. Thank you.
It was very helpful to me when I was dealing with some of my difficulties... to work toward humility. I had a tendency to think that I was better than the people who bothered me, but when I remembered that we are all poor, miserable sinners, then it seemed to be easier not to compare myself to others, and not to put myself above them. It can be easier to have humility when I remember that we ALL fall short, so I'm no better than anyone else.
Martin was covered up. Very distracting. Hard to focus and concentrate without him staring at me. 🫤👍🏻
Matthew 20-V26,27 and the first shall be last
Yes, I was encouraged by this with our special needs son. He'll be one of the first in the resurrection, but now he's not.
Hi Pastor….I have an unrelated question. Is the Luther Classical College still a viable project and is the magazine they were beginning to produce still available? Thanks, Deacon Terry Bower
I know, see and feel that I am a sinner. When compared to others, I feel embarrassed at my failings. I constantly fall short of God’s mark. I am a dog, a beggar at Jesus’s feet.
I do not deserve anything, but I rejoice in the patients, understanding, forgiveness and love that God has for me. I am humbled….
I am a servant that will never achieve the purity that God requires. But God made me and He will never forsake me. I am humbled….
Humility is knowing you fall short, but does not make you feel despair when living in Christ. Serve others according to God’s will. Be humble while doing it.
Nice one! I have found CS Lewis' quip about "humility as not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less" really helpful. And if you are thinking of the other and how to serve him, it seems to me that you would be thinking of yourself less!
Yes. You have described my troubles in confession, where I end up stating that I am simply a mess. And I want to do good works but even to begin a work with such recognition negates the work! So I try not to look at my motives as much as is this something that is helpful to someone? It’s a constant battle to simply place my focus on the other without constantly viewing and evaluating myself. I really hate this. Lord have mercy!