(Wednesday What-Not is free. Your subscription is a helpful donation. Thanks!)
/ Behold! 1 John 3:1-3
/ Lessons from the Lutheran Tradition for 2024
From Carl Trueman:
Confessional Lutheranism can offer today's church a powerful understanding of the suffering of the church. Luther famously argued that the true theologian should be a theologian of the cross, placing the Incarnation at the center of revelation. God reveals himself under opposites. His glory is hidden in flesh, his power in the weakness of the cross, his triumph over death in the apparent triumph of death over Christ. The theologian too should expect this in his life: The faithful Christian finds his strength in weakness.
I may or may not be the “one pastor” mentioned in the second paragraph.
Read the article here: https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2024/01/lessons-from-the-lutheran-tradition-for-2024
/ Jesus in the Old Testament, Three Ways
/ A Collection of Prayers
Here’s a phenomenal website collecting tons of prayers from the ancient church. The language has been slightly updated, and the prayers are formatted as poems. Take a look:
This would be a great website to bookmark.
(I’m starting to add a few prayers and liturgies to my website as well.
/ Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Here’s the teaching on page 19 of Lord, Teach Us to Pray, Martin Luther’s explanation of the Lord’s Prayer. “Thy Kingdom Come.”
/ Mission Nary Impossible
A classic from 2015, Anthony Esolen argues that we are no longer living in the city of God, and that we are not even living in the city of Man, but in the suburbs of the city of man.
We do not dwell in the City of God. We do not even dwell in the City of Man. We dwell in the Suburb of Man, beside and beneath civilization. We have neither the purity of the saint nor the gritty material squalor of London in the time of Dickens. We have hygiene and proper diet. We follow something cleaner and sillier than superstitions. We follow the news.
So the evangelist has his work cut out for him.
Read the article here: https://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=28-01-022-f&readcode=&readtherest=true&utm_source=pocket_mylist#therest
/ Two Ways of Fighting
Flamme sent this Luther quote to me:
"For Satan has two ways of fighting. He would gladly cast the faithful down suddenly from their joy and faith and into fear and despair. Secondly, he cunningly strives by long lasting torments and by the unremitting pressure of the torments to tire them out." LW 16:301
/ An Anatomy of an Implosion
Here’s a conversation with Dr Schulz about Woke Marxism.
/ Elders Continuing Education: Soul Care (2024)
I put together this list of articles for our congregations Elders for 2024.
Theme: Soul-Care (I’m plundering the Doxology website for suggested articles.)
Luther on Depression (Letter to George Spalatin on Melancholy) (2 pages)
Holiness and the Cure of Souls. (Harold Senkbeil, 8 pages)
Ministry of the Spirit (John Kleinig, 11 pages)
Luther’s Care of Souls for Our Time (Reinhard Slenczka, 34 pages)
Luther’s Care of Souls for Our Time (Reinhard Slenczka, 34 pages)
Individual Confession: Personalized Forgiveness (Harold L. Senkbeil, 2 pages)
Theses on the Captivated and Liberated Will (Mark C. Mattes, 3 pages)
Lead Us Not into Temptation: Acedia, the Pastoral Pandemic (Harold Senkbeil, 14 pages)
The Theology of Forgiveness and Its Enactment (John Kleinig,11 pages)
The Kindled Heart, Luther on Meditation (John Kleinig, 6 pages)
When God Takes Aim (Harold Senkbeil, 3 pages)
/Upcoming Events
January 27, Austin: Life Magnified
Join us for the third annual Life Magnified Conference at St Paul Lutheran Church, Austin, TX, on Saturday, January 27th. This inspirational event, starting with a morning coffee social at 8:00am, morning prayer, a Bible study by Pastor Larry White, and a march at the Texas Capitol. Visit this site for more information and to register: https://www.stpaulaustin.org/events/life-magnified-2024/.
February 16-18, Austin: Church Interpreter Training Institute
Jesus Deaf Lutheran Church along with her dual-parish, St. Paul Lutheran Church is hosting Church Interpreter Training Academy (CITA) on February 15th to 18th. Beginners (even those who do not know any sign language) and Signers (of all levels) are welcome! For beginners, there will be classes about conversational signs and signs in the church and Scripture. For signers, there will be classes about interpreting (signing) Scripture and hymns, and the Divine Service. There will be presentations on Deaf Culture/Ministry and on using the liturgy in the Divine Service. A special two-hour ASL class for K-12 students is being offered as well! For more information, please go to: jesusdeafchurch.com/cita2024austin.
April 12-13, Collinsville, IL: Faith of Our Fathers: The Law of God is Wise and Good
The theme of the 2024 Faith of Our Father Conference is “The Law of God Is Good and Wise.” Debates over the Law of God have troubled American Lutheranism in recent years. Are Lutherans truly “weak on sanctification”? Do real Lutherans believe in a third use of the Law? What is antinomianism? How far have we caved to the indulgence and lawlessness of the world? What does true Law and Gospel preaching look like? Over two days, April 12th and 13th, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL we will learn about and discuss the Law of God. This conference is for both laity and pastors. Come join us for good theology, fellowship, and maybe even a little fun with some fellow Lutherans! Speakers and preachers include: Pr. Benjamin Ball; Rev. John Hill; Rev. Dr. Scott Murray; Rev. Dr. David Petersen; Rev. David Ramirez; Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer; Rev. Joshua Scheer; Rev. Mark Surburg; Pr. Michael Walther; Pr. William Weedon; and, Rev. Todd Wilken. Learn more and register for the conference at: https://yourgrandfatherschurch.org/.
August 1-5, The Gulf of Mexico: Lutheran Singles Cruise
Set sail on a spiritual adventure with our four-day Lutheran Singles Cruise, departing from Galveston on August 1st. This journey is designed for connection and fellowship, offering daily devotions, Bible studies, and opportunities to meet like-minded singles. Embrace this chance to deepen your faith, make new friends, and enjoy the beauty of the sea. Don’t miss out on this unique blend of spiritual growth and social fun – book your spot today! Learn more at www.wolfmueller.co/cruise
Other retreats and events here.
Please add your own theological recommendations in the comments.
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Remember to go to your pastor's Bible Class this week and, read old theology books. (If you don't have a pastor or congregation, click here. If you don't have old theology books, click here.)
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Thank you, again, for your time and attention, and for your prayers. Please keep in touch.
Christ is Risen! Pastor Wolfmueller
Psalm 27:4
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