1/ Sanctified Meditation (Psalm 19:14)
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
That verse was part of the meditation in today’s Lent Up Early podcast.
2/ Lent Up Early
This has been a great project, refreshing in a number of ways. Since that first bout with Covid (summer 2020) I’ve been sleeping more than I was used to (which is fine, the Lord gives gifts even in sleep, Ps 127:2), but: the early morning is when I read and pray and think the best.
So these earlier mornings have been a real blessing.
I’m trying to capture that blessings in the podcast, a short Biblical meditation and answering one theology question. If you are a podcaster, you should be able to subscribe in your podcasting app. If not, I think this is the best place to listen and leave a message.
3/ The Word cannot be Canceled
In the last few weeks we’ve been watching the drama unfold around Dr Schulz, and his calling attention to some of the troubling trends at Concordia University Mequon. The story was picked up by Joy Pullman of the Federalist. Issues, Etc. interviewed Dr Schulz this week as well.
Dr. Schulz and I caught up yesterday. If you are interested in the events unfolding, the two resources above are more helpful. We mentioned it, but I was more interested in getting to the philosophical and theological roots of the problem, so we spend a lot of time talking about Socrates’ arrest, how he stands as an indictment of post-modernism, how woke-ism is anti-word. We spent a lot of time reflecting on Psalm 2, and I brought in some reflections on the three different kinds of slavery from the parable of the Prodigal Son. Dr. Schulz blew my mind when he said that it was Augustine who introduced the conversation about the will into Western Thought.
Here’s the video:
Or audio from the podcast, if that’s better.
4/ Breakpoint Commentary
John Stonestreet is a helpful voice when it comes to cultural commentary. I normally listen to his 5-minute commentary a few times a week, but last weekend I listened to this edition of "Breakpoint This Week”, and four times I stopped the episode, and went back to make notes.
NOTE 1: Every worldview tells a story with four chapters: the beginning, the trouble, the solution, and the resolution.
NOTE 2: Extreme ideas are fragile, they cannot withstand questioning. The very act of questioning results in “harm” (out of necessity of the indefensible idea).
NOTE 3: The question, presented to children: “Are you a boy or a girl?” brings with it horrible assumptions:
You might not know.
You can decide.
Your body doesn’t give you that answer.
I have a right to know and you need to tell me.
(That is simply brilliant.)
NOTE 4: When we assume that the government is the only institution we have already lost touch with helpful reality.
5/ Intrepid Hearts Interview
Pr Peter Noble stayed up into the wee hours of the Australian night for this interview. It was a fun conversation.
6/ Bible Woodcuts
This is the best collection of Bible woodcuts that I know of (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 240 images): https://www.pitts.emory.edu/dia/book_lists.cfm?ID=1526
If you know of anything better, let me know in the comments.
Remember to go to your pastor's Bible Class this week and, read old theology books. (If you don't have a pastor or congregation, click here. If you don't have old theology books, click here.)
If you find this helpful, forward it to a friend. If this was forwarded to you, click here to sign-up for yourself.
Thank you, again, for your time and attention, and for your prayers. Please keep in touch.
Lord's Blessings, Pastor Wolfmueller
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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Talking about the Word Not being Cancelled, maybe someone else has already touched on this, but the following Collect for the Church in the historic TLH liturgy implores:
Grant we beseech Thee, Almighty God, unto Thy Church Thy Holy Spirit and the wisdom which comes down from above, that Thy word, as becometh it, MAY NOT BE BOUND, BUT HAVE FREE COURSE and be preached to the joy and edifying of Christ's holy people, that in steadfast faith we may serve Thee and in the confession of Thy name abide unto the end; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen. (Cf. 2 Timothy 2:9 "...the word of God is not chained" even though Paul was!)
I don't think YouTube likes you, pastor. It seems they have made the video, The Word Cannot Be Cancelled, restricted! Hmmmm. . .