Resting Justice, Death Unafraid, And the Bad Guys of the Psalms
1/ Righteousness Near (Isaiah 51:4-5)
2/ Cyprian, On Mortality
Cyprian preaches this sermon against the fear of death in the time of a great plague (252 in Carthage).
The kingdom of God, beloved brethren, has begun to be at hand; the reward of life and the joy of eternal salvation and perpetual happiness and the possession of paradise once lost are now coming with the passing of the world; now the things of heaven are succeeding those of earth, and great things small, and eternal things, transitory. What place is there here for anxiety and worry? Who in the midst of these things is fearful and sad save he who lacks hope and faith?
Find the entire sermon here, and excerpts with my comments here.
3/ The Psalms arranged according to the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
Did I post this already? Pr Pless put together this nice chart of the Psalms grouped according to the petitions of the Lord’s Prayer.
4/ Mendelssohn, Symphony #2
HT Pr Gernander
5/ Stump the Chump, er… Pastors on Issues, Etc.
Pr Kachelmeier and I started a new series on Issues, Etc., answering Bible questions. It’s been a lot of fun. If you’ve missed it, here are the first three episodes.
(We are also still doing the “What I Wish My Non-Lutheran Family Knew About…” Series as well.)
6/ A New Rule for Reading the Psalms:
What’s the structure?
Who is talking to whom?
What’s the picture?
Versus: who are the good guys and who are the bad guys?
Remember to go to your pastor's Bible Class this week and, read old theology books. (If you don't have a pastor or congregation, click here. If you don't have old theology books, click here.)
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Thank you, again, for your time and attention, and for your prayers. Please keep in touch.
Lord's Blessings, Pastor Wolfmueller
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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