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/ Psalm 1: Who is the Blessed Man?
/ Update
Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet around here. You should here a bit more from me in the next few weeks. In the meantime, here’s some catching up:
/ Resurrection Quotations
A lot from Wadsworth this year.
Observe, that the wounds which Satan inflicted in malice and scorn on our Lord’s crucified Body, have been converted by His controlling power and wisdom into proofs of His Resurrection, and marks of His personal identity. They have become indelible evidences of His Power, graven, as it were, with an iron pen on the Rock of Ages, to be read by eyes of angels and men for eternity; and are glorious trophies of His victory over death and sin, and over Satan himself.
Two more to add. I need to track down these references:
St. John Chrysostom urges: «Let no one weep anymore because of his sins, for forgiveness has shone from the tomb of Christ. Let no one be afraid of death, for the death of the Savior has raised us. Let no one complain about poverty, for the Kingdom has been opened to all. The meal is bountiful - be filled, all of you; enjoy the banquet of faith; enjoy the riches of His love».
In Christ», as St. Ambrose of Milan proclaims, «the world - all of humanity - has risen, in Him the heavens have risen, in Him the earth has risen». Through Christ's sacrifice, we have become partakers of God's glory; we have been adopted by our Heavenly Father.
/ Comfort for Suffering Christians: Martin Luther on John 15:1
That is how Christ interprets the suffering which He and His Christians are to endure on earth. This is to be a benefaction and a help rather than affliction and harm. Its purpose is to enable them to bear all the better fruit and all the more, in order that we may learn to impress this on ourselves as He impresses it on Himself. As though He were saying: “After all, this is the truth, and I cannot interpret it otherwise. I share the fate of the vine in every respect. The Jews will throw manure at Me and will hack away at Me. They will shamefully revile and blaspheme Me, will torture, scourge, crucify, and kill Me in the most disgraceful manner, so that all the world will suppose that I must finally perish and be destroyed. But the fertilizing and pruning I suffer will yield a richer fruit: that is, through My cross and death I shall come to My glory, begin My reign, and be acknowledged and believed throughout the world. Later on you will have the same experience. You, too, must be fertilized and cultivated in this way. The Father, who makes Me the Vine and you the branches, will not permit this Vine to lie unfertilized and unpruned. Otherwise it would degenerate into a wild and unfruitful vine which would finally perish entirely. But when it is well cultivated, fertilized, pruned, and stripped of its superfluous leaves, it develops its full strength and yields wine that is not only abundant but also good and delicious.”
Read it all here. This is really great.
/ Brian Regan on Cranberries
This, I think, is really funny.
/ With a Catholic and Evangelical talking about Baptism
This was a fun interview. We recorded another about the Lord’s Supper this morning, and I’ll send that out when its posted.
/ Darwinism, The Universal Acid
In part 4 of Albert Mohler’s Briefing from April 25th, the obituary of Daniel Dennett is discussed. This is very important, where Daniel Dennett’s parable of Darwinism as the universal acid is brought forth. I commend this to your attention. You can read or listen here.
/ Clips
Most of these are from the Worldwide Bible Class.
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Christ is Risen! Pastor Wolfmueller
Psalm 27:4
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I just wanted to tell you that your videos and commentary (and podcast) have helped me lead my family to the Lutheran church. Hope to hear from you more in the coming weeks! God bless you pastor!
I always like to think of the postures of sit, walk and stand that St Paul uses in Ephesians in contrast to how they’re used in Psalm 1.
St Paul speaks of being seated in the heavenly places with Christ, walking in a manner that is worthy and putting on the armour of God to stand against the wiles of the devil.