1/ Friendship & Fear (Psalm 25:14)
The friendship of the LORD is for those who fear Him.
In the KJV:
The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him.
The Hebrew word is for “friendship,” “Secret” in the KJV is סוֹד, council, familiar conversation; a circle of familiar friends. It reminds us that Abrahan was a friend of God *(2 Chronicles 20:7, Isaiah 41:8), Moses was a friend of God (Exodus 33:11), and Jesus is a friend of sinners (Matthew 11:19). Most especially, we rejoice that Jesus has called us His friends, see John 15:13-15.
2/ Answering the Right Question
The Bible answers the questions we should be asking.
If we’re not getting it when we read and study the Bible, then we are probably asking the wrong questions. We are shopping for dog food at the shoe store. A big part of Bible study is changing the questions were are asking; resetting our curiosity.
When you are studying your Bible today, pause and ask, “What question is this text answering?”
3/ Baptism QnA with Flame and Lex
This was a fun conversation.
4/ Luther’s Sacristry Prayer
Lord God, Thou hast appointed me in the church as bishop and pastor. Thou seest how unfit I am to attend to such a great and difficult office, and if it had not been for Thy help, I would long since have ruined everything. Therefore I call upon Thee. Of course, I want to put my mouth and heart to use. I shall teach the people, and I myself shall learn and shall meditate diligently on Thy Word. Use me as Thy instrument. Only do not forsake me; for if I am alone, I shall easily destroy everything.
I’ve seen this often. Today I discovered where it is from, Luther’s commentary on Genesis 27:11 (LW 5:123).
We talked about it in today’s Worldwide Bible Class.
Also from this section of Luther’s Genesis commentary:
Therefore at the beginning of this chapter the following facts should be carefully noted: in the first place, that the First Table must be given precedence over the Second; in the second place, that God pardons the foolishness and rashness of His saints, yes, even causes it to turn out successfully. (LW 5:120)
Accordingly, you must beware both of being haughty because of your wisdom and plans and of despairing if your deliberations turn out badly, for GOD controls and blesses the mistakes of the godly. (LW 5:121)
You will never achieve anything without prayer. (LW 5:124)
I thought that on the basis of this passage these things had to be said as an example and as doctrine—in the first place, in order that we may know that the First Table has supremacy over the Second in accordance with the statement of the First Commandment which says: “I am the Lord your God” (Ex. 20:2); in the second place, in order that we may acknowledge the mercy of God, who guides His saints in a wonderful manner even in their rashness and foolishness, in order that we may trust God with all our hearts and learn that faith devours not only the sins but also the rashness, foolishness, and thoughtlessness of the saints. (LW 5:124-125)
5/ The Parable of Breakfast in Bed
6/ Looking for the Church, Finding the Holy Sacred Cross
At the end of Luther’s On the Councils and the Church he lists the seven marks of the church. The seventh mark is the “holy, sacred cross.” This came up again this week.
Seventh: The holy, Christian Church is outwardly known by the holy possession of the Holy Cross. It must endure all hardship and persecution, all kinds of temptation and evil (as the Lord’s Prayer says) from devil, world, and flesh; it must be inwardly sad, timid, terrified; outwardly poor, despised, sick, weak; thus it becomes like its head, Christ.
The reason must be only this, — that it holds fast to Christ and God’s Word and thus suffers for Christ’s sake, according to Matthew 5:10, “Blessed are they that endure persecution for my sake.” They must be righteous, quiet, obedient, ready to serve their rulers and everyone else with body and wealth, doing no one any harm. But no people on earth must endure such bitter hatred. They must be worse than Jews, heathen, Turks; they must be called heretics, knaves, devils, accursed, and the worst people in the world, to the point where they are “doing God service” who hang them, drown them, slay them, torture them, hunt them down, plague them to death, and where no one has pity on them, but gives them myrrh and gall to drink, when they thirst, — not because they are adulterers, murderers, thieves or scoundrels, but because they will to have Christ alone, and no other God.
Where you see or hear this, there know that the holy Christian Church is, as He says, in Matthew 5:11, “Blessed are ye, when men curse you and reject your name as an evil, wicked thing for my sake. Be glad and rejoice, for your reward in heaven is great.”
With this holy possession the Holy Ghost makes this people, not only holy, but blessed. (On Councils and the Church, 248-249)
Download this book for free here. Order the book from Lulu for $8.
7/ Dr. Wolfmueller?!
A heartfelt thank you to the facility and regents of Concordia University, Irvine, who decided I should be a Doctor of Divinity. (Andrew says that he imagines Martin Luther wearing the same hat.)
8/ Upcoming Events
I’ve finally updated the events on the website. Click here for more info about the Digital Catecombs, Catechism Retreat, Apologetics Course, etc.
Remember to go to your pastor's Bible Class this week and, read old theology books. (If you don't have a pastor or congregation, click here. If you don't have old theology books, click here.)
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Thank you, again, for your time and attention, and for your prayers. Please keep in touch.
Lord's Blessings, Pastor Wolfmueller
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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