Share this postWednesday What-NotElection and DispensationalismCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreElection and DispensationalismWorldwide Bible class notes.Bryan WolfmuellerMar 20, 20249Share this postWednesday What-NotElection and DispensationalismCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore2ShareThe questions about Election and Dispensationalism came up in the Worldwide Bible Class this morning. On DispensationalismDispensationalism, What and Why NotNotes on Chiliasm (Dispensationalism)On ElectionEpitome of the Formula of ConcordSolid Declaration of the Formula of ConcordIf you missed it, here’s the podcast or video.Christ is risen!PrBWPreviousNext
Excellent, I sent this podcast for my son who is going down the Calvinist path. Fortunately, I trained him away from Dispensationism as a youth.
Thanks 😊