Getting ready for Worldwide Bible Class (which starts in 15 minutes, click here to join), came across this gem from Luther.
What is the Christian life?
Accordingly, one should learn patience from the examples of the patriarchs, who were tried in every way, yet not without sin, from which Christ alone was free (cf. Heb. 4:15). Surely Jacob was not tried without sin. He was not Christ Himself. Nor did he have a flesh free from sin. And he was tried as an example for us, in order that we might learn what faith is and what a Christian life is.
For it is a life that has a definite promise which is not only postponed but brings the opposite to pass. Jacob should be king and priest by divine dispensation. But something happens that is far different from what has been promised. Then he thought: “Nothing will ever come of it; the outcome will not correspond to the promise.”
But faith wrestled against the flesh and said: “Flesh and Satan, you are lying; for God has spoken and has made a promise. He will not lie, even if the opposite happens or I die in the meantime.” Thus faith spoke and ordered the light to shine out of the darkness (cf. 2 Cor. 4:6).
Therefore faith is not a laughable, cold quality that snores and is idle in the heart. No, it is agitated and harassed by horrible trials concerning the nothingness and the vanity of the divine promises. For I believe in Christ, whom I do not see. But I have His Baptism, the Sacrament of the Altar, and consolation through the Word and Absolution. Yet I see nothing of what He promises. Indeed, I feel the opposite in my flesh.
Here, then, one must struggle and do battle against unbelief and doubt.
This reminds me of Melanchthon’s definition of worship in his Power and Primacy of the Pope essay:
“Worship is faith fighting despair.”
Join us for the Worldwide Biblestudy at 10a central today.
More soon, I hope.
Christ is risen!
Pastor Wolfmueller
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