Always Sunshine...
1/ Rejoice, Joy, Joyful (Psalm 5:11)
But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
Let those also who love Your name
Be joyful in You.
2/ Italy and Passion Play Tour: July 2022
This is exciting. We’ve put a tour to Italy and the Passion Play in Oberammergau for this next July 2022. We have a few spots open. Find all the information here:
3/ Anti-anti-social media
4/ The Most Important Thing to Know in the World
What a sermon from Luther on the forgiveness of sins! This is a must listen.
Listen to it (or read it) here
Here’s a taste:
Therefore this doctrine, that our piety before God consists entirely in the forgiveness of sins, must be rightly comprehended and firmly maintained. We must therefore get beyond ourselves and ascend higher than our reason, which keeps us in conflict with ourselves and which reminds us both of sin and good works; and we must soar so high as to see neither sin nor good works, but be rooted and grounded in this article and see and know nothing besides. Therefore let grace or forgiveness be pitted not only against sin, but also against good works, and let all human righteousness and holiness be excluded.
And another:
Therefore we are to regard the kingdom of Christ as a large, beautiful arch or vault which is everywhere over us, and covers and protects us against the wrath of God; yea, as a great, extended firmament which pure grace and forgiveness illuminate and so fill the world and all things, that all sin will hardly appear as a spark in comparison with the great, extended sea of light; and although sin may oppress, it cannot injure, but must disappear and vanish before grace. They who understand this, may well be called masters, but we will all have to humble ourselves and not be ashamed to keep on learning this lesson as long as we live.
Listen to it (or read it) here
5/ Anti-Christian Pressure at Work
Thanks to all of you who have participated in 2-minute survey about anti-Christian pressure at work. If you haven’t yet:
Anti-Christian Workplace Survey
(I’m giving away a few books to the participants.)
6/ Seven Deadly Sins
This is up next on my “to listen” list. I’ve heard bits and pieces, but this is a series that needs pen and paper in hand for notes:
Pr Will Weedon on the Seven Deadly Sins
(Speaking of Issues, Etc., it looks like the “Unanswered Bible Questions” episode I did with Pr Brian Kachelmeier will become a monthly series. That will be fun.)
7/ Gospel Outreach Media Conference
Bethany Lutheran College is sponsoring a digital outreach conference. I was asked to write a little essay for it, which you can find here. There are a lot of other interesting topics to explore here.
8/ Grief Reconsidered
I did a short video on reconsidering grief this week. You might find it helpful.
Remember to go to your pastor's Bible Class this week and, read old theology books. (If you don't have a pastor or congregation, click here. If you don't have old theology books, click here.)
If you find this helpful, forward it to a friend. If this was forwarded to you, click here to sign-up for yourself.
Thank you, again, for your time and attention, and for your prayers. Please keep in touch.
Lord's Blessings, Pastor Wolfmueller
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
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From the website:
The Most Important Thing a Christian Must Know (A sermon of Martin Luther on Matthew 9:18)
Cinco cosas que hacer en el lecho de muerte de un ser querido
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